FireSync Ops is a one-of-a-kind tool for fire departments that puts key information into the hands of frontline firefighters and paramedics.Current Capabilities:Maps. View maps published by your department as well as weather radar, wind forecasts, weather stations, helispots, repeaters, and more.WX/Fire Behavior. View weather stations, NWS alerts, NWS FWF, department fire weather forecasts, fuel models, and pocket cards. It also has calculators for RH & Dew point, FDFM & PIG, and allows you to create Fire WX Observer Records.IRPG. The full Incident Response Pocket Guide is included in an easy to use format that allows you to rapidly access any section.GPS. Display your current latitude and longitude in multiple formats.Helispots. Provides locations and vital information relating to the approved helispots used by your department.Channel Plans. Easily browse and search your departments channel plans and repeaters.Live Radio. Listen to any radio channels your department has setup for online broadcasting.QualCard. Enter your qualcard for convenient access.Fire Intel. View National and GACC preparedness levels along with other useful information & links.Other Department Information. FireSync Ops can display a wide array of other information published by your department such as geo directories (e.g. swiftwater), station and personnel directories, documents, web links and more.GOVERNMENT DATA DISCLAIMER: 1. The Fire Intel applet sources publicly available data from the National Interagency Coordination Center (NICC). Users may verify the accuracy of the information shown by directly visiting the NICC website here: 2. The Fire Intel applet contains links that will open directly to government websites from the browser on your device. These websites are not affiliated with the developer of this app.3. FireSync Ops and the developer are not affiliated with the NICC or any other government agency.